Hebei Huali Machinery Company produces hand handwheel, knob, bakelite hand wheel, hinge, chain, handgrip, button and other Machine Tool Accessory,Tel 0318-2222299
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HL.23020 oil leveler


HUALI    D    d H H1 d1
 HL-2302012 22 12  15 10 20
 HL-2302016 27 16  15 10 25
 HL-2302020 34 20  16 13 32
 HL-2302025 40 25  18 13 38
 HL-2302032 48 32 18 13 45
 HL-2302040 58 40 18 13 55

 1 Calculate the ratio for analogue display or the reading after one revolution for digital-analogue and digital display.

2 Consider the operating conditions : outdoors, vibration,corrosive environment

3 Zero set the spindle,by rotating the handwheel

4 Suitable for use on control spindle with positions ranging from horizotal up to 60 degree inclined.

5 Turn the indicator until the pointer are zero set

6 Attractive modern design