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Handle network - established financial barriers

2013-07-04 15:20:41

 Buy hundreds of these in the current site, Wu Bo handle network is the first to get financing and investment from Tsinghua University, Wu Bo Yang Lei brothers founded Titan Capital. Wu Bo feel that their financing process is very natural, "We are Tsinghua University Entrepreneurs Association, a total of two dozen people on each other are Jiaoshu." But this is only the first round of financing LaShou beginning Wu Bo said the recent also announced new investors.

    "China is so fierce in the current competitive environment, financial barriers are important." Wu Bo said that in his view, this seemingly low threshold of the industry, that is not actually doing it low threshold, originally earn commissions buy mode by many competitors makes up a mere money-losing business. "The key to success is to stick to the end, did not adhere to live is to contribute to society, it must be strong to a certain extent." He said.
    Buy the site at all, handle network is the mode most unique 'home is a combination of Groupon and roursqurc. Wu Bo long found common ground between the two modes, "Groulxm essentially Mu ten position of SSP A service station, according to the city division, need shoved 'personal discount; Foursquare is a location-based, but the direct fine to every business, every business every day events. "He found that these two modes of two are the same, are merchants and consumers; InJ from the business point of view, two kinds of promotional methods are needs.
    Accounted for ordinary consumers, Groupon is a simple enough, enough attractive entry point, the user sees so attractive discounts, flapping in the wind had come suddenly: and businesses looking to sell well, and very happy to White The product has been put up. But then, Wu Bo found a Groupon mode] - not sticky. "Users want to buy a day to go up there, if not it will go away, there will be no loyalty Wei."
    And Fourscluarc there SNS concept, the user through Capitol (check-in) can get a reward businesses with J, the I'Hj relationship with fans and concerns, beryllium different badge (badge) identifies a different person, " Such people will be able to stick to. " But most people's problem is Foursquare high threshold, "Many people do not understand this meter, said this thing is doing? Have any fun?"
    So, with Groulx, n put people suck, then Foursquare stick man, this is Wu Bo wants to achieve day. Guan Ding how to combine the two modes, Wu Bo had no thought of good, but to see the U.S. group net on-line, Wu Bo thought, "That's on the bar, do not last too late," and had to rush on March 16 this " dragon head "of the" ancient ecliptic H "launched a handle network. At first he was very worried about the user's response, "because innovation is a very dangerous thing, you get a good Xiecai small, nondescript done." But with the Bu-line after a small break to make adjustments, see the user's recent performance and viscosity, Wu Bo finally Panasonic breath, "We have a lot in our VIP users already consume a lot of single cover, and soak in a day on our website."
    Handle network is the fastest expanding geographically buy site has now expanded from Beijing to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other six cities, there are 25 cities are in the pipeline, sword after financing, Wu Bo expansion plan by the end of the sword 50 cities, "no matter how well you Zhuang Beijing, Shanghai people experience less, to do a national brand must have - given coverage." This is the focus of the real estate network he did - a lesson. "This time I was more well-behaved, when the expansion will expand quickly." And Groupon's rise also benefited ten of its rapid expansion in the United States. However, geographic expansion, and Wu Bo playing a little smarter, just people are open enough firepower scraping Shanghai, he deliberately avoided the limelight, first won the Shenzhen and Guangzhou, looking back do Shanghai. He expressed his rather smug, "I am Tian Ji's horse."
Compared with the Groupon, Chinese imitators in order to make these national companies much more difficult. "In the United States, (, roupon is a call center, but not entirely in Chinese, Beijingers go to Guangzhou, Guangdong boss said you did not understand Cantonese, still need the locals." Said Wu Bo, therefore, how to control a small, so that the effective functioning of each segment from the meter to become a place to generate profits, and small is burning preserves a place to become the challenges facing Wu Bo, he is very cautious on cost control, "remove the Beijing R & D side, the server input, I give half dozen Division A requirement is. "